jehovah has left the building.
(good first post by the way )
when i drive by the kingdom hall i grew up attending at but, was sold directly to a church, i get angry.
the elders who handled the sale didn't even remove the watchtower shaped bricks on each side of the sign near the street so, now they advertise for a baptist church.
how many times as i grew up i heard things like: you should not do work ( such as clean carpets for a church) you wouldn't want to work at a cigarette making plant or a facility that makes bombs for the military.
jehovah has left the building.
(good first post by the way )
i don't normally bother with the gutter press, but this was interesting.. what they didn't show was that the faces of the kids, probably due to their age.. i saw the picture before it was pixelled out.
interesting that the kids with the machettes looked like members of the religion of peace.. just sayin'.. interesting to see what low life scum the film was about.. good grief, can't the jobos be right and armageddon(tm) come?.
these violent kids are not "immigrants"--they are all born here--even their parents--and probably grandparents. they are beyond the law and any parental control. so we need a radically different control method.
like this:
widely publicise an inter-gang take place on a specific date--at a vacant football stadium. sell lots of tickets to spectators. gangs then fight each other on the pitch. sounds familiar ? but no firearms allowed--only hand held weapons of each gang members choice. when the whistle blows--the gangs have at each other. any left standing after 90 minutes are shot.
the romans would have loved this.
any better ideas ?
i don't normally bother with the gutter press, but this was interesting.. what they didn't show was that the faces of the kids, probably due to their age.. i saw the picture before it was pixelled out.
interesting that the kids with the machettes looked like members of the religion of peace.. just sayin'.. interesting to see what low life scum the film was about.. good grief, can't the jobos be right and armageddon(tm) come?.
by punkofnice 11 hours ago 12 Replies latest 2 minutes ago jw friends
24 violent incidents in VUE venues in one day all around England. I submit this is just what happens when wannabe little gangsters encounter each other.
How would I know?
There is a cultural norm in the black community of kids with absent fathers running feral and joining gangs to make fast drugs money because stuff like studying at school and learning a trade isn't cool.
in fact--i saw the fore runner of all this 50+ years ago--in birmingham. many areas were no-go even then.
i don't normally bother with the gutter press, but this was interesting.. what they didn't show was that the faces of the kids, probably due to their age.. i saw the picture before it was pixelled out.
interesting that the kids with the machettes looked like members of the religion of peace.. just sayin'.. interesting to see what low life scum the film was about.. good grief, can't the jobos be right and armageddon(tm) come?.
I think part of the solution is zero tolerance by police and local communities.
having a conversation with a pimi elder and i asked him how he deals with the fact that he never expected to get old.
i get the feeling that some dubs still have the original generation explanation hard-wired, even though they claim to accept the new version.
so my question is, how old do you have to be to be considered old?
i'm 71..and feel great. ive got CHD and COPD ...but ive also got a lovely wife 23 years younger than me--who looks half her age--and keeps me fit. shes also a trained carer so ive no worries.
i don't normally bother with the gutter press, but this was interesting.. what they didn't show was that the faces of the kids, probably due to their age.. i saw the picture before it was pixelled out.
interesting that the kids with the machettes looked like members of the religion of peace.. just sayin'.. interesting to see what low life scum the film was about.. good grief, can't the jobos be right and armageddon(tm) come?.
so--whats your solution Cofty ?
these fights were obviously pre planned.
i don't normally bother with the gutter press, but this was interesting.. what they didn't show was that the faces of the kids, probably due to their age.. i saw the picture before it was pixelled out.
interesting that the kids with the machettes looked like members of the religion of peace.. just sayin'.. interesting to see what low life scum the film was about.. good grief, can't the jobos be right and armageddon(tm) come?.
just leave em to fight it out. nothing new about youth gang fights.
at an assembly in texas is it me or are there not too many young folk about 😉.
Oh, except that strange guy that has come for years and everyone tries to avoid because he is a pain....
and what about all those who only show up for the passover memorial or whatever its called now.
we used to call them the nisan kids: just getting their armageddon card stamped.
my oldest boy got pissed that i started going back to meetings so i had one last conversation with him as he moved out.
(only went back to try and not loose whole family) during the conversation things got a bit heated and i mentioned a couple of false prophecies in the bible the rest of family heard so now they think i don’t believe at all.
guess their right think my going back was just a ruse, yes that’s true to.
further to my above post, let me explain..
i had been a pioneer in my teens--and a servant in my early 20's. i gave public talks both home and away. i had a few parts at circuit assemblies.
i resigned at a jw in 1971. i told the overseer i no longer wanted to be considered a jw because i didnt believe in god--therefore most of the doctrines were meaningless to me. but i would attend some meetings for the sake of my wife, but take no part in it. he accepted this--no announcement was made..i was not d/f. i still had many friends who were still jw's. i did attend occasional meetings when my wife nagged or bribed me into going. no one shunned me.
i wonder if this would work nowadays ?
my oldest boy got pissed that i started going back to meetings so i had one last conversation with him as he moved out.
(only went back to try and not loose whole family) during the conversation things got a bit heated and i mentioned a couple of false prophecies in the bible the rest of family heard so now they think i don’t believe at all.
guess their right think my going back was just a ruse, yes that’s true to.
i cut all connection with the cult in 1981, when my born in dub wife divorced me. i maintained regular contact with my kids for a few years--till they started to shun me. that quickly escalated --solicitors got involved--and i had to back away.
i really missed my kids--so much so i reasoned the only way to have contact with them was to go back into the cult. i hated the very idea of it.
it was only after i talked to my dad about it that i saw it all in perspective. Dad was a devout JW--i think he was an elder then--although we had regular contact. he said it would only ever work if i went back in because of my love of jehovah. that said it all. i simply did not believe in god--so how could i be a witness for something that doesnt exsist ?
ive never seen my youngest son since. hes 41 now--married with at least 1 kid i heard. he refused--in writing--to have anything to do with me--in the year 2000 , after i had written to him.
my daughter--now 48, wont have anything to do with me--and even shunned my dad when he lived in a care home a mile from her--that was 2013-to 16. i think that was because she found out i was seeing dad.. she has 4 daughters--ive never met them.
my older son--now 43 was d/f some time back. i made contact with him after i found out ( from my dad ). he and i have rebuilt a good relationship. hes married and has a 4 year old boy--my grandson--the only one ive met. i'm seeing them at christmas.
this is the price you could pay if you leave the cult.